Sunday, December 27, 2009

Second Verse from "The Dead in Bed Exercise Movement", started by ME!

Now that you have your fingers moving and are making up arm movements for hula dancing, do the same with your toes, then ankles, imagine you are a ballerina, a swimmer, POSE! Imagine you are waking up your whole body digit by digit, joint by joint, limb by limb. Don't *fling* any body part about lest you wrench a knee say......just keep on keeping on with a gentle, consistant wriggling and stretching then roll, back and forth, to and fro. You get the picture, before any reps of any movements you must get *some* kind of fluidity in those muscles. How often I myself have "lurched" about on leg muscles that feel like dry twigs. Next begins the *real* exercises from Dead in Bed. Get up for it, practice the forementioned, I *promise* it will help! I am living proof!

By the way, if you are one of the very few fibromyalgians have... that wierd thing that feels like a worm in your ear, itching, I have no cure. Boyoh Boy! I tried some stuff like ahem, vinigar drops, oh well. Just knowing that it goes away might help. It does. Eventually.

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